At Moving Mountains we specialise in helping young children reach and exceed their expected potential no matter how high the mountain may seem. Our clinic is custom-built to ensure the children we service have the best possible chance of achieving their goals.

Occupational Therapy

How Do You Know If Your Child Needs Occupational Therapy?

Has your child not reached their milestones?

  • Does you child suffer from poor visual motor, gross & fine motor skills?

  • Does you child find it hard to concentrate or sit still?

  • Does your child have sensory processing difficulties?

  • Does you child look uncoordinated when they run and skip? 

  • Are you worried your child is falling behind?

  • Does your child find it hard to walk or is unstable when doing so?

  • Has your child been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy or another neurological disorder?

Moving Mountains OT and Speech Sydney

What do we do?

As occupational therapists, our primary aim is to allow children to develop independence in the following areas:

Fine Motor Skills

Refers to the coordination of the small muscles in the hand to hold, explore, manipulate toys, pencils, textas and feeding utensils. Fine motor skills are imperative in mastering school readiness goals such as handwriting, cutting and craft. 

Gross Motor Skills

Refers to the the abilities required of the large muscle groups to achieve movements such as running, jumping, walking, kicking and throwing. 


Handwriting skills are dependent on the development of three primary areas: fine motor coordination, manual dexterity and visual motor skills. Handwriting difficulties that may emerge may include: disorganised handwriting, fatigue and pain, letter reversals, pencil pressure and legibility. 

Self care skills

Involves dressing and undressing, morning and afternoon hygiene routines, tying laces, fastening buttons and toileting. 

Play skills

Refers to skills used in every day play such as imagination, role play, building, threading and puzzles. 

Helping Children Reach Their Potential

Moving Mountains specialises in helping young children reach and exceed their expected potential no matter how high the mountain may seem. Occupational therapy at Moving Mountains can assist children with the following diagnosis:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD/ADD

  • Learning Difficulties

  • Cerebral Palsy, Down's Syndrome and other neurological disorders

We also perform school based observations and screeners to identify children with school readiness issues.

Book an appointment today